18 楼 发表于 2010-01-08 20:55 |
Hello Devilman, small roxette's told me, that you taught him a lot about this problem, and even post your answer here for us. So first of all, I'll say thanks to you.
But unfortunately, although I've reset the ai and itemindexes of the weapons just as you told me, bot still can not use the AAMs. And they sometimes even use the AGMs to attack the enemy's helicopters.
weaponTemplate.create rah66a_Sidewinder
weaponTemplate.indirect 0
weaponTemplate.minRange 50.0
weaponTemplate.maxRange 1500.0
rem weaponTemplate.optimalRangePercentage 85
weaponTemplate.weaponActivate PIWeaponSelect2
weaponTemplate.weaponFire PIAltFire
weaponTemplate.setStrength Infantry 0.0
weaponTemplate.setStrength LightArmour 0.0
weaponTemplate.setStrength HeavyArmour 0.0
weaponTemplate.setStrength NavalArmour 0.0
weaponTemplate.setStrength Helicopter 45.0
weaponTemplate.setStrength Airplane 45.0
rem weaponTemplate.setFiresThroughTransparent 0
weaponTemplate.fireRate 1800
weaponTemplate.allowedDeviation 20.0
weaponTemplate.deviationCorrectionTime 1.0
weaponTemplate.deviation 2.0